2015 started with a really social Social Day. Our speakers are much anticipated and appreciated but it was lovely to have a long stretch of time when everyone (even those stalwarts who attended the Committee Meeting - see below!) had the opportunity to catch up with the post-Christmas/New Year news and share what fibre-related activities they had been up to over the holiday period.
The Committee met with Jenny Arnold, the new Chairman, at the helm for the first time and with the new Secretary, Amanda Trick, furiously scribbling away. Guild members who hold ex-officio responsibilities were invited to attend and their input, together with that of the longer-standing Committee members, was invaluable as Jenny and Amanda start to get to grips with their new roles. Much Important Stuff was discussed and as a result the planned one-hour meeting stretched to two hours – quick forays to the refreshment bar for restorative caffeine shots were allowed! Lauren Ferrero is now working in Doncaster so has had to resign from the Committee and her roles of Minutes Secretary and Newsletter Editor. Thank you for all you have done for the Guild, Lauren … we will miss you! Bruce Lowe has rashly agreed to produce the Guild Newsletter again and was also voted into the new post of Events Co-ordinator, as which he will set up and oversee ad hoc Events Working Parties. These will be mainly made up of Guild members who already organise various external events but extra bods are likely to be invited to participate as necessary. We hope to entice two or three more Guild members onto the Committee so keep your eye on the ‘Contact and Committee’ webpage for updates. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, sociable, educational and productive year!