Foundation Certificate in Spinning
A Guild group has been formed; this group of members will work together on their foundation certificate during 2018-19. They plan on getting together at every meeting to chat about progress and learn together. Please email the Guild secretary (click here) if you require further information.
A Guild group has been formed; this group of members will work together on their foundation certificate during 2018-19. They plan on getting together at every meeting to chat about progress and learn together. Please email the Guild secretary (click here) if you require further information.
The Foundation Certificate in Spinning has been created by the Association to enable those who are new to spinning and others who wish to get a better understanding of this craft.
All information relating to the foundation certificate has just been updated (Jan 2018); please use the following link to retrieve or contact the guild secretary for a file to be posted to you.
*As of Jan 21st 2018 the AGWSD link for the foundation cert registration form is not working; please use Janet Maher (cert lead) personal email until the situation changes: [email protected]
The following document may prove useful!
Certificate of Achievement
"The CoA offers you the opportunity to follow a comprehensive syllabus in Spinning, Weaving, Tapestry Weaving, Natural Dyeing or Synthetic Dyeing. You can plan your studies to fit in with your other commitments and take as long as you need. For the assessment you will submit a portfolio of samples and a project piece of your own design."
Further information and details of each syllabus can be found on website of The Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and dyers;
(updated Sept 2017)
Please contact the Guild Secretary if you are interested in pursuing the Foundation Certificate in Spinning or the Certificate of Achievement. She will put you in touch with others in the Devon Guild who have completed a Certificate or who are currently working on one so that you can talk about their experiences and the level of commitment required. Mentorship and support can be provided if you decide to enroll.